
CoreTech Innovations is a dynamic private limited company that offers a variety of services within the ICT sector. The main focus of the company is on ICT Research, Development, Demonstration and Innovation in emerging sectors and technologies, such as FinTech, iGaming, healthcare, government and blockchain.

Our main innovation activities lie in the design of ICT systems and components comprising of software, hardware and humanware, following the principles of value co-creation business models and the need to integrate end-users and lead-users in the product and service lifecycle.

We have a wide range of experience ranging from project management to the research and development of innovation projects. The company offers consultation on EU Research and Innovation funding projects to Research Institutes, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), and Government and Public Entities.

CoreTech Innovations conducts business from its main offices in Malta, and collaborates with several world-renowned institutions, professionals, academics and researchers in Ireland and Germany.

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What We Do



State-of-the-art research in multidisciplinary ICT areas.



Professional analysis, design, implementation, testing, maintenance and delivery of systems.



Innovation in emerging ICT sectors and technologies.



Proposal writing, reviewing, guidance, fundraising and project management.

Project Management

Project Management

Liaising with project partners and external international industry collaborators from planning to completion.



Showcasing projects in conferences and industry fairs.

Our Clients

nui galway


24/04/2018 - ALERT RIA Proposal submitted

ALERT RIA Proposal submitted to the Adaptive smart working and living environments supporting active and healthy ageing (SC1-DTH-03-2018) call of the Horizon 2020 EU Programme.


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01/09/2017 - CTI sign agreement with NUIG

CoreTech Innovations signed a contract with the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the National University of Ireland Galway to provide consultation services on the MARIO (Managing active and healthy aging with use of caring service robots) Horizon 2020 project.


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